Federation of American Women's Clubs

FAWCO news and events

By AWC’s FAWCO rep, Jonelle Lemcke (jonelle@lemcke.dk).

Awesome Blossoms – Awesome News about the FAWCO Target Project!

FAWCO clubs’ fundraising for the hydroponic farming project run by Awesome Blossoms Safe Spaces (in Nairobi) – the Target Project for 2022–2025 – has already reached its initial goal of $140,000! Many thanks to all of our members, clubs, donors and the Target Environment Team who made this happen. This includes AWC Denmark, which has already donated over $1,400. What an achievement! What’s next?

With eight months to go in our Project timeline, we don’t plan to stop fundraising. Working with the Safe Spaces organization, we have developed an additional fundraising goal of $50,000. This will allow Awesome Blossoms Safe Spaces to purchase its own land and make the hydroponic farming project independent and self-sustaining – even beyond FAWCO’s funding timeline.
Stay tuned!

July 4th Activities!

AWC Denmark has its own time-honored tradition of a 4th of July barbecue and this year is no exception (it will be held on the 6th this year)! More information is available in this edition. However, it may be that you find yourself in Jutland around July 4th. Are you familiar with The Rebild Festival? It’s an annual celebration of US-Danish Community since 1912 and one of the largest July 4th celebrations outside of the US. Queen Margaret II, herself, participated in Rebild’s celebration in 2022. https://rebildfesten.dk/en/events-all/ , https://rebildfesten.dk/en/. The area has a focus on Danish to USA emigration and provides numerous research opportunities on the subject: https://museumrebild.dk/english.
Many thanks to our Club member, Vibeke Lybro for providing details and information on this annual event. Let Jonelle know if any of you need more information.

Report from our FAWCO President

Here is an excerpt from the latest report of FAWCO’s President, Ann Marie Morrow.
“In June I was part of an international group that met with the White House’s Office of Public Engagement about building dialogue with the community of Americans abroad. Each speaker in the group highlighted different areas of concern or interest for Americans overseas. One of the issues I highlighted was concern over the cut in funding to assist overseas American victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. I advocated for reinstatement of federal funding. Other highlighted issues included difficulties arising from FATCA reporting requirements and tax and banking issues. This was the first step in a two-way conversation that will involve the group meeting regularly moving forward. We will also have a survey to share soon that will help to gather comments from overseas Americans.”

In addition, Ann Marie announced “that FAWCO’s UN Rep Pam Perraud, AAWE Paris/FAUSA, has been elected to be the next President of the US Women’s Caucus! https://www.uswomenscaucus.org/history/  It is a great honor for Pam and FAWCO, to have her lead the Caucus. Pam’s work as part of FAWCO’s UN Team is invaluable, and you can read her fascinating take on the recent Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in a blog (available on FAWCO’s website) entitled, “A Veteran’s Look at CSW68.”

How can I talk about the threats to US democracy?

Every US voter needs to know what’s at stake in the 2024 election: the future of US democracy.

FAWCO’s US Voting Committee has always asked overseas Americans who are FAWCO members to vote and promote voting in US elections in several ways. In the last few years, we have suggested some new actions to take, as threats to US democracy have risen. This article gives Mary Stewart Burgher’s answers to the best question she was asked at FAWCO’s Interim Meeting in March: “How can I talk about the threats to US democracy?”

  1. Decide to speak up for democracy. Take and use your power as a citizen.
  2. Speak out in the ways that best suit your personality and skills. When you do:
    1. Be factual, clear and calm.
    2. Pick your battles.
  3. Pace yourself; this is a marathon, not a sprint.
For details and links, read the article in full on the FAWCO website.

And don’t miss the 2023 Highlights Issue of Inspiring Women:
Inspiring Women Highlights 2023

Remember that AWC members are automatically FAWCO members, but you have to register. Contact me or register today if you have not done so already at https://www.fawco.org/










Jonelle Lemcke

FAWCO Rep. Jonelle Lemcke
