Welcome from the Board

A star with fireworks and text  Description automatically generatedIt’s still celebration time for us, honoring AWC’s 90th birthday, and adding on to 90 years of living our motto of “fun, friendship and philanthropy”. This issue of the Chronicle includes long-term member Dorte Brandenhoff’s look back at her more than 40 years of AWC membership. Dorte calculates that AWC raised and distributed DKK 638,950 between 1980 and 1999 alone; as we’ve given at least DKK 10,000 annually since then, our Philanthropy total must be nearly DKK 900,000 – not counting money given for scholarships and cultural awards! One of the best things to celebrate about AWC Denmark is the open hearts and open hands of its members.
AWC Denmark and our mother organization, FAWCO, are communities of love and caring, communities of people committed to improving our local and international environments. Sign up for the AWC Denmark Coffeeshop or FAWCO Region 2 Facebook groups, if you have not already done so; they immediately link you to a support network. If you need help with that – or have questions or suggestions about any event or activity – contact AWC’s FAWCO Rep, Jonelle Lemcke (jonelle@lemcke.dk) or any other member of the AWC Denmark Board, especially the President, Mary Stewart Burgher (3050 6356, emessbe@yahoo.com).

Request to members who used our old MobilePay box

Unfortunately, the Board has a problem related to the closure of our former MobilePay box (“AWC2020”). We do not have complete information on the people who used it to pay their dues for 2023–2024. If you used the old box, please send a copy of your payment receipt to Judith Gannon (judyi.gannon@gmail.com) as soon as possible.  We need this information to compile an accurate and complete membership list. The Board apologizes for the inconvenience.

Register Now to Vote in the 2024 US Elections

Right away, go to your computer and fill out the form available on two safe, secure and nonpartisan websites – The Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) and the US Vote Foundation – in order to register to vote/request a ballot.

US Voting Townhall on Zoom

When: Wed, 4/9, 19:00–20:00
Where: on Zoom; link will be supplied so you can register in advance
Contact: Mary Stewart Burgher (emessbe@yahoo.com, 3050 6356) for further info

This workshop will involve presentations by Kayla Paulson from the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), and the Chair of FAWCO’s US Voting Committee, Mary Stewart Burgher, and comment by Carolina Ardón Ayala, Special Consular Services Chief, Consular Section, U.S. Embassy London. We will briefly review the mechanics of registration and ballot return from overseas in 2024, including any changes to procedures that may affect you and what to do if you encounter problems.
We’ll talk about how overseas voters can help to preserve US democracy and learn about FVAP’s work to support and represent us. We’ll conclude with a Q&A session. Mark your calendar now – and spread the word to other interested members.





Mary Stewart Burgher






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