Philanthropy News2024 AWC Philanthropy AwardThe Board is thrilled to announce that we have voted for two winners for this year, each to receive DKK 5,000.
The Board is delighted that money raised by AWC members and friends will go to make children in Denmark a bit happier and healthier this year. 2022–2023 AWC Philanthropy AwardThe AWC Board is delighted to announce that the Philanthropy award for 2022–2023 is going to Goldschmidt’s Music Academy, a social and musical beacon that, through free music lessons and lending instruments, helps vulnerable children to become whole, harmonious and capable people.
2023 Philanthropy Award presentedOn 2 October, AWC’s Honorary President, Sherry Leventhal presented Henrik Goldschmidt with a certificate, marking AWC Denmark’s donation of DKK 10,000 to Goldschmidts Musikakademi as our 2023 Philanthropy Award. The Academy, which provides free music lessons (and instruments) to poor and vulnerable children, will devote the money to repair and maintenance of its pianos. In addition to the money, AWC was glad to donate a clarinet (given to us by VP Kris Harper) for the students to use.Founder Henrik Goldschmidt gave Sherry, and AWC Board officers Mary Stewart Burgher and Jonelle Carter Lemcke, a tour to the beautiful premises of the Academy. He hosted them to coffee and cake, as well as presenting all with copies of his father’s memoir about escaping from Denmark to Sweden in October 1943 2022 Philanthropy AwardThe board decided to donate almost DKK 12,000 to "Sammen for Ukraine" (translation: Together for Ukraine) AWC Philanthropy Awards – 2021 winners and thanks from a recipientThe AWC Denmark Board voted unanimously to give DKK 5,000 each to two projects:
For the TNR scheme, AWC will pay the bills of the veterinarian selected to neuter or otherwise treat the cats, which students at the school care for and enjoy interacting with. The student leading the project is Nadina E. Stryhn, who sent AWC the following note (translation supplied) and photos of the TNR scheme in action. Men med jeres uvurderlige hjælp kan jeg nu indfange og neutralisere vores katte, så de kan få et trygt liv, og bestanden kan blive på et håndterligt niveau. Vores første fælde er sat op med henblik på at fange vores lille hunkat ‘Nefertiti’ og hendes to killinger. Det bliver fantastisk endelig at kunne gøre det! Jeg glæder mig til at opdatere jer om mine fremskridt. Af hjertet tusind, tusind tak.
I would like to thank your organization for your help. A huge burden has been taken off my shoulders and I am so infinitely happy to finally be able to do what it takes for the cats to live a good life. Philanthropy Award - Recipients from the last ten years
If you would like to participate in our philanthropy activities contact the AWC President at president@awcdenmark.org.
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